Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Its Been To Long

Hey There, 
It seems like its been such a long time sense I've posted. Let be honest its been a long time sense I've really 100% worked on my weight loss. I need to get back into it. I even woke up this morning at 6 to work out...but never really motivated myself to get out of bed. haha 

Here we go...for all of those who have pulled a me...and have not been dedicated to hitting your weight goals WE are starting now. 

Don't beat yourself up for the months you've lost....focus on today and what you can do to be a little bit better than yesterday. Each day is going to be a new step to you and me getting closer to our weight goal. 

 If you haven't already worked out this morning lets plan to set aside 30 min of our day and do so. Its going to be hard, your not going to want to do and i'm sure you could be finding something better to do with your time..but ultimately by starting today your changing your future so there is nothing else you could be doing better for that 30 min. 

Here goes nothing! 
