Saturday, June 28, 2014

Yoga Challege 5-30

Here we go for another fun filled day of yoga! I hope you are all enjoying this as much as I am! Yoga is so much fun! 

This was a fun but challenging day. Maybe I am still a little sore from yesterday's but it was still a good challenge and I'm glad I finished it.



Lets get our yoga on!
I'm having technical difficulties so please click the link below to view today's yoga challenge.
Yoga Challenge Day 4-30

Don't forget to get some cardio in.


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bad Posture....Try Some Yoga!

Let's jump into the yoga challenge early today! We all need better posture....
Today's yoga challenge is going to help us focus on our posture. LETS GET STARTED!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Yoga Really Helps With Period Cramps

A girl cannot escape her period...sometimes the last thing we really want to do while on our period is work out. Well, here is a known fact, WORKING OUT REDUCES PERIOD CRAMPS and yoga also relieves cramps and backache! So next time you're on your period give yoga a try!
*Note to self: Bananas help relieve cramps. Turn to a banana instead of a favorite bowl of ice cream.

OK, we are on day 2 of our yoga challenge. I was really hesitant to do today's challenge because of my period, but I decided not to let that hold me back and I'm so glad I didn't. After today's challenge I don't really feel the cramps, just pressure. My back doesn't hurt anymore and I feel energized! :)

So for all of you out there that are postponing your yoga workout, I say get off the couch; stop reading this and do your workout. You will feel better about yourself for doing it. You wont ever regret a workout, you'll only regret not doing it.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Take A Break And Do Some Yoga!

 I have always wanted to try yoga and I feel like now is the perfect time! I found this 30 day yoga challenge and want to share it with all of you. I love that Erin Motz (yoga instructor) explains at least 3 different ways to do some of the poses that may be difficult for beginners.

I'm excited to see what the future days hold and to see my yoga improvements.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Come Back With God's Help

At the beginning of my weight loss journey I thought there is nothing and nobody that can stand in the way of me losing weight. I felt so motivated and I saw bigger results than I had ever expected. For two months I worked harder than I had ever worked in my entire life. I was happier, everywhere I went I had a smile on my face and not a bad thing to say.
Then two month later I lost all of my motivation and stopped caring. It began with some deep personal feelings being uprooted, which led me feeling isolated and alone, and then carried over to me becoming very self-conscious. A few weeks later my hours were cut way back at work forcing me to look for another job and wondering how i'm going to be able to pay my bills. Stress began to kick in and take over my body. 
I began to feel like I had failed at life. I felt like everything I ever start I don't finish and losing weight was just another thing to add to that list of failures . I lost ALL my motivation to keep working out, I found myself stopping off at my favorite food places every time I left the house. I stopped feeling confident and gave up.
Every week I weighed in and stayed at the 230 mark I got discouraged. I wasn't going anywhere and by the end of the month I was very mad at myself for letting the month go by without any weight loss. I kept asking my self why? Even though I knew why.
When I weighed in for my monthly shop talk I didn't see any changes. I hadn't lost anything and I didn't gain anything, so I didn't change anything. I told myself I didn't need to lose the weight. I got tired of the pressure that I created for myself and started thinking if people don't love me for me then they don't need to be a part of my life.
Another month went by where I didn't work out and ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. It became hard to drive by McDonald s without stopping off and grabbing some fries. By the end of the month I had gained 5lbs, and an overall of 4 inches. I officially failed, and on top of it I would now have to backtrack and lose all that just to get back where I was two months ago.
I was hurt, mad at everyone around me, angry with myself and sad. I couldn't take it anymore yet I had no idea where to being to regain my motivation.
Even though in the beginning I had started losing weight just for myself, as I hit hard times, I began feeling pressure thinking that I had to lose the weight for my parents, family, my boyfriend, and friends--- not because they were pressuring me, but because I felt the disappointment would now be theirs to share with me if I failed. 
I recently began thinking of why I chose to work out in the frst place. I chose to because I want to be happy and healthy. I loved working out it made me feel so good! I then decided to start again, so I tried having a set time each morning to workout. Just like getting ready for the day you just do and don't think about it. The first day I didn't get up early enough to work out, the next day I worked out for a bit but still didn't really have the motivation to really be active.
 Tuesday night (June 10, 2014), I asked my father for a priesthood blessing, after having a long talk with my mom. I knew that I was not able to get motivated on my own and that the help from my family was nice, but not working. I needed the Lords help.
The last couple days I have felt more energized, and found time to work out. Even though I have not been perfect on what I eat I have not only found time to work out, but my excitement has returned!
Today I woke up on time and started my workout as planned, but was interrupted when someone wanted to discuss a serious issue with me, which led to a good 30 min.delay. I became frustrated and upset because of the nature of the discussion. I had the choice to quit and do better tomorrow or to keep going and give it my best today. I decided to give it my best today. I went for a run even though I was upset and sad, I ran better today than I ever have. I was so focused on what was bugging me that I forgot I was running. I relized how far I had gone and became very proud of my accomplishment and soon forgot that I was upset.
I came home and finished off my workout with some strength exercises. I was a hot, sweaty mess and it felt fantastic. I feel happy and upbeat and I remember why I love running and working out so much.
My Heavenly Father gave me the streangth and motivation I have been lacking for two months. I jumped on the scale this morning and had lost 6lbs. I had my mom triple check and each time she read out 229lbs. WHAT A MIRACLE!
My Heavenly Father didn't give up on me, He knew exactly what to do to get me up and moving again. He may be addressed by different titles because of peoples different levels of understanding of him, but He is still GOD. He will always answer your prayers. Our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us and wants the very best for us. I know that as we turn our biggest challenges over to him he will help us turn them into our greatest strengths.
With God on my side my weight loss journey is possible. It wont be perfect and it may be the hardest thing I face. But one day it will be my biggest strength and I'll be able to look back on it and be glad I didn't give up entirely!

Until next time,
