Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Yoga Really Helps With Period Cramps

A girl cannot escape her period...sometimes the last thing we really want to do while on our period is work out. Well, here is a known fact, WORKING OUT REDUCES PERIOD CRAMPS and yoga also relieves cramps and backache! So next time you're on your period give yoga a try!
*Note to self: Bananas help relieve cramps. Turn to a banana instead of a favorite bowl of ice cream.

OK, we are on day 2 of our yoga challenge. I was really hesitant to do today's challenge because of my period, but I decided not to let that hold me back and I'm so glad I didn't. After today's challenge I don't really feel the cramps, just pressure. My back doesn't hurt anymore and I feel energized! :)

So for all of you out there that are postponing your yoga workout, I say get off the couch; stop reading this and do your workout. You will feel better about yourself for doing it. You wont ever regret a workout, you'll only regret not doing it.


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