Monday, January 19, 2015

Instant Results Really Do Exist

We all look back on our lives and wish we would have started what ever it is we wish we had right now! I don't know about you but I like to have instant satisfaction!!! Especially when it comes to weight loss. Everyone tells me weight loss is a process, take baby steps to get to where you want to be and soon you will see results....well I would like to see results now! 

As I thought more about this I began to see results... I am not seeing my weight goal pop up on the scale (that part will come with time and hard work) but I have seen and felt instant results! 
As soon as I decided to lose weight I felt excited... Instant results
I had more energy as I limited my junk intake.... Instant results
I had better self esteem....Instant results 
I see the scale drop day by day....INSTANT RESULTS!!! 

I may not be 100lbs lighter... (not yet) but each day I experience Instant Results as I achieve my daily goals and as I work towards my over all weight goal and over time I will see even bigger results to where I wont look back on my life and wish I had started a year from now...because I started today... and I'll start again tomorrow and the next day and so on. 

Weight loss is hard....but it is totally worth every second of the pain, sweat and tears that go into it. DON'T GIVE UP! Take the time to change now so that in a year you will be where you want to be and not looking back on your life wishing you would have changed then.  

Until next time,


Follow my weight loss journey day by day on Instagram User Name: ispazout2 

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