Yesterday I really really really wanted chocolate brownies and ice cream! As the day kept going my craving for french fries and cheeseburger increased. I was constantly talking my self out of getting fast food and washing away my frustrations with chocolate.
At finally deiced that I deserved a serving of brownies and some ice cream. After all I have been working hard, and reaching my goals I deserved a small reward.
When I got home from work I deiced I would do my workout before indulging in a bowl of ice cream and brownies. At first I kept thinking oh I can't wait to be done, and quickly I forgot about my bowl of ice cream and I didn't crave brownies anymore.
I resisted french fries, cheeseburgers, brownies and ice cream! I DID IT! My desire for losing weight and getting fit became much larger than my desire for chocolate and french fries. (even though I almost gave in)
I know that at the beginning its hard to resist some of our favorite food. You think about it all the time and you crave it like nothing you've ever craved before. But each day those craving are getting weaker and weaker. You can do this!
Don't give up and don't give in to those selfish, self defeating thoughts.
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