Monday, February 16, 2015

Happiness Is Worth All The Hard Stuff

Achieving my goals one day at a time.
I planed to wake up at 6 a.m. and go running. I kind of slept in tell about 7 but hey I still got up and had a fantastic work out. I am going to critic myself and say that I need to push my self more but that is a good thing. I at least now where I need to improve.
After my workout I went shopping for tons of veggies and fruits! I got home and detoxed my whole apartment got rid of anything that would set me up to fail. After words I planned out my lunch and planned what to have for dinner.
I felt really accomplished that my day has been go so well.
Then I got to work and when I went on lunch I smelled McDonald and it made me crave it so bad. I became jealous and kind of sad. But I didn't let it weigh me down. I ate much lunch and rather enjoyed it. After words I felt so much better. I was so proud that I resisted my temptations and made a small step to a better me! :)
I just had an instant result and so glad that I am making life style changes.

Until next time


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