Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The SUPER Food

It remarkable how much one food can boost and change your whole body. With loosing weight I have started introducing more vegetables and fruits into my diet. I became interested why some foods are so good for you and how exactly they help people loses weight.
I started with the SUPER FOOD...known as KALE!

1 Cup of Kale Provides you with

  • 3-5g Protein
  • 14% of your daily calcium 
  • Vitamins 
    • K
    • D @ 900% 
    • A @ 659%
  • 2-5g Fiber 
  • Protects against various cancers, heart disease and stroke
  • Omega Fatty Acids 3 and 6 
    • helps with healthy skin and hair
    • Regulates blood clotting 
    • builds cell remembrance 
  • More Iron than in on ounce of beef. ( I am low in Iron because I don't eat a lot of  red meats...Now I have a great replacement) 
  • Lowers cholesterol 
Kale is a wonderful food that helps with Weight loss because....
  • Low Calories but has a sufficiant bulk to fill you up faster.
  • Low calorie -High water content which makes it low energy dense. 
  • Contains fiver and protein which is the most important ingredients to weight loss. 

Kale can be cooked in so many different ways, Some of the ways I have cooked it have been.  
  • Sauteed with some onions or garlic
  • Put it in smoothies- one of my favorite way to eat it!
  • Bake it with a little salt and olive oil
  • salads 
Kale is a super food. Researching kale helped me see the importance in eating it and I hope it has helped you find a reason to include it into your diet. 

Losing weight me giving up some of your favorite food and replacing it with something better. 
Kale is a great option and it really doesn't taste as bad as people might think. 
Give it a try who knows you might actually really like it...I know your body will appreciate it. 

Until next time,

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