Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Stronger Today Than You Were Yesterday

When making life style changes everybody who has ever done it at some point or another feels like giving up, throwing in the towel and walking away. At first glance losing weight is simple, you exercise and eat right...that's all there is to it. But it's so much harder than watching what you eat and finding time to get a quick workout in because you're changing EVERYTHING by losing weight.
I have my Shop Talk coming up here in a few days and I know that my results will be small if any. This past month I have felt like throwing in the towel,  in fact I caught myself thinking "you've come a long way and have seen good results....this is a perfect place to stop." I've been more self critical than I have ever been because I'm not used to seeing my body with any shape other than round. 
I let my food cravings win.  Sometimes I wouldn't even put up a fight about it. I would always down play the seriousness of the food I was putting into my body and before I knew it April's coming to an end and I haven't pushed myself as much as I had wished I would have. I would tell myself I'm fine with what I am doing because I'm still seeing results...smaller results but they are there.
I lost my motivation this month. I wish there was some good excuse or reasoning behind it but there's not. Life is going to be challenging at different times and I'm proud of the fact that I still saw the small results and still worked on my goals instead of throwing in the the towel because now I don't have to re-lose the weight.
So how do we re-gain our motivation and get back on track? I tried looking at each day as a new day but that didn't really work. So what else can we do to get our motivation back?
1. Wait it out BUT DON'T GIVE UP. Yes you may not have given it your best that day or you may have eaten a Big Mac, but that doesn't mean all your progress is gone. I say wait it out because you're not going to bet it back until you're ready; until you're ready to accept the consequences and the results of your slump and accept them in a mature way. You may gain back everything you lost, or you may stay the same and see no results,  and some of us will see results and think I don't need to change. When you're ready to accept your results and consequences maturely, you will want to change and keep going. Your desire will come back and you be able to stand back up and go again.
2. Rely on the people around you. Some days the only reason I worked out was because I had commitments with friends to do Zumba or to go running. We need to  have people and support that we can rely on because that may be the only thing going for us as we wait to get out of this slump. If you feel you don't have any support around, send me an email--- I would love to be in your support group! (
3. Don't give up!  I know this is hard, but you will over come this. You will be more upset with yourself if you give up now. No matter what happens take it on the shoulder and stand tall. You will be proud you did!!!
Remember that no matter what, you are a strong person that can do hard things. You're stronger today than you were yesterday and you will be even stronger at the end of the month than you were at the beginning, even if you didn't see the results you wanted. Each day is a new day. Don't give up and remember this slump will pass.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Don't Just Hit the Wall...CLIMB IT!

This month has been a bit difficult in staying motivated. Actually if I'm being completely honest I have lost my motivation. Now I'm still working out and eating semi healthy but I have hit a wall.
I'm tired of watching every things I eat, and making sure I got my cardio and muscle exercises in. Even though I enjoy working out i'm stuck
Over the past week I have seen other peoples weight loss accomplishments and each one says they are proud they stuck with it. I see quotes that say " A year from NOW you will be happy your started."
I am happy I started and I am grateful for all the support my friends and family have given me. I know that I need to keep going and do my best so that when this wall passes I am not farther behind. We all know that weight loss is a life style change that wont happen over night and at some point we feel like throwing in the towel... but what important is that we don't.
Here are some tips for making if over life's walls.
  1. Keep Moving Forward: Every little thing counts. If your not doing anything your not progressing. Everyday you do at least 1 thing right. Keep moving forward and make the next day a little bit better that the day before. 
  2. Take a day: Sometimes we need a day to just cry, let ourselves go, or scream and that okay. We are humans, humans that have emotions. Sometimes we just need to take a day off and regain our strength. Just don't allow yourself to have more than 1 day off. 
  3. Pray: Weight loss is hard. It challenges and pushes every part of our bodies and emotions, it consumes our energy. I know there is a higher power playing a hand in my weight loss. After a long hard day at work the last thing I want to do is work out, especially when I have a big long list of things I still need to do. Just thinking about it make my energy level go way down. But when I pray for help I feel like I can do it and I enjoy it. Heavenly Father loves us and wants whats best for us and when we ask him for his help to achieve it he will be there. 
  4. Understand that you are not alone: Everyone who has lost weight knows what you are going through. They have been there already, maybe even 5 or 6 times. Talk with them, read their stories and see what helped motivate them to keep moving.
  5. Use your support system: Who ever is in your support circle will be more than willing to keep you going. Sometimes they can be overwhelming but you'll be great full that they pushed you to keep going. Talk to them, listen to them. Your loved ones want you to succeed and they want to help you in anyway they can. Sometimes having someone listen to you is all you need to get motivated again. You cant lose weight on your own so the sooner you turn to your support circle the sooner you'll see better results and stay motivated.
  6. Don't allow negative thoughts to linger: as soon as you have a negative thought replace it with a two positive thoughts. The quickest way to stop your progress is to over power your success with negative energy and thoughts.  We believe what we thing about our self's  especially when we are repeatedly thinking it or say it
Remember every little thing helps. Don't beat yourself up for not being perfect. NO ONES perfect. Don't allow  negative thoughts to linger and use the people around you.

Some day are better than others, yes but as long as we keep moving day by day we are progressing. Don't give up!!! YOU AND I CAN DO THIS!!! 


9/24 Ab Challenge

Get up and start the day off right with our daily AB CHALLENGE!

Remember to get some cardio in and do something your enjoy!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

8/24 Ab Challenge

DAY 8!!!

Even though its a rest day it doesn't mean you take the day off from cardio as well. Maybe push your self a little more today!
Trying bringing a friend jogging with you or take your dog! Whatever it is get up and get moving!


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

7/24 Ab Challenge

Here we go for day 7
Remember to get some cardio in!


Monday, April 14, 2014

6/24 Ab Challenge

As you can tell I've been really good at posting the daily challenges...NOT! I'm sorry for falling behind so soon into the challenge. I encourage you all to print or make a copy of the overall schedule just in case I don't get to posting the daily challenge. That way it wont cause you to fall behind. 

Alright so Day 6!
Keep up the good work and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!

Don't forget to do at least 30 min of cardio today!


Friday, April 11, 2014

3/24 Abs Challenge

Ready for day 3! I know I am!
Don't forget your cardio! Try mixing it up today by doing something different. It could be anything like mowing the lawn, going for a hike, go swimming, play basketball or get a friend and play some tennis! I challenge you to branch out and try something new!


Thursday, April 10, 2014

How Do I Conqure Food Cravings?

The one way to sabatash your weight loss is to give into the emotion, random, reoccurring food craving. Sometimes you get rid of the craving for a day and then if comes right back, sometimes you get rid of them for a few hours or minuets. You feel that the only way to get rid of this craving is to give in so you do. It natural, every human being goes through the same thing day in and day out wither they give into food or video games.

You cant get rid of the cravings they will always be there. Instead of getting rid of them we need to learn how to deal with them the RIGHT way. So here are some tips that will help you overcome overindulging in your food cravings

  1. Don't completely cut something out of your diet. Your not on a diet your on a life style change. If you have put something into your body such as sugars and fats from day one your body is going to go into shock when you all of a sudden stop giving it sugars or fats.
          Sugar, fat, salt and carbohydrates are good for you in MODERATION! Just as fruits, veggies and meats BUT in MODERATION. If you ever put to much of one thing in your body its bad for you, just as it is to deprive your body of that same type of food.

FATS: Fatty foods such as burgers, pizza, french fries, etc. give your body energy, insulates your body and protects vital organs. They also start the chemical reaction to help control growth, immune functions and reproduction. ( But if you overindulge in fats your raising your cholesterol and increasing your risk of heart disease because your body cant burn off the fat as fast your your putting it on. Think about it fats help protect vital organs meaning your vital organs are surrounded by fat. If you consuming more fatty foods than your body can store and burn off your surrounding your heart, liver. lungs. kidneys with fat and that fat is just going to keep building up to where your organ start to shut down and stop functioning correctly.

*NOTE: Healthier fats are found in meat, poultry, in dairy products like cream and butter, or plant foods like coconut and palm oil.

Stick to serving sizes. 1 serving a day not 3 or 10 and soon your body will adjust to the point where you don't need it every day or you don't need as much each day.

    2.  Get up and GO! Board eating is very common and sneaky. Those who board eat sometimes don't realize that they are doing it. I know I didn't always notice when I was board eating. If you find your self hungry and you haven't engaged your mind in the last 15 min your body is telling you to it needs energy and activity. Often our bodies source of energy is food but our bodies also get energy from exercise. take a walk around the block or go for a jog before reaching for food because more often than not your body really just wanted you to get active.

     3.  Eat Regularly. Don't let yourself get hungry. When we get hungry we grab the fastest things to eat, and they tend to be empty calorie, high fatty foods. Pick food that will keep you full longer such as whole grains, proteins, and produce. Give your body helpful energy!

 Remember that each day is a new day. Just be a little bit better today then you were yesterday. As you work on what you put in your body you will notice that you don't crave high fatty or sweet foods because your giving your body what it needs in the amount it needs.

These changes are not going to happen over night and they wont always be easy. You may find your self getting tired of constantly watching what you eat. BUT DON'T GIVE UP!!! It will get easier to the point that you wont even have to watch it because it will become habit.

Keep up the good work, and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!


2/24 Abs Challenge

Here we go day 2!
Get those abs burning and make every sec count! Don't forget to get some cardio in today!


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

1/24 Ab Challenge

Here we go our very first day of a new challenge!

Don't forget to get some cardio in and have fun with today's challenge!


24 Day Ab Challenge

For this next challenge I want to target my lower gut and my back!

Planks are the best muscle exercise for targeting your lower belly or the "pooch belly" as we call it. When doing a blank your working your Rectus and Transversus Abdominis (these muscles when toned give you the six-pack look.)  and External and Internal Obliques (these muscles when toned help give you the hour glass figure.)

Leg Raises is an ab isolation workout. It specifically targets your lower abs again working the "pooch belly" Leg Raises are also going to work your hips, thighs and glutes.

Crunches work the rectus abdominus, which is the most prominent of abdominal muscles. Working your upper and lower abs also they work the transverse abs which is your torso. Crunches will help tighten the extra fat around your stomach.

* NOTE: Just doing muscle exercises will not get rid of your body fat and make you lose weight. Muscle exercises only help tone the extra fat and skin. You need to do cardio in order lose weight and you need to do muscle exercises in order to tone your extra fat and skin. Both cardio and muscle exercises go hand in hand when trying to lose weight!

Alright Lets Begin!

This is our Challenge Calender for the next days just in case I don't get to posting a day or for those of you who are just starting the challenge! Lets kick this challenge in the butt
Crunch: Start Flat on your back  with your knees bent. You can put your hands either under your head to help support your neck or under your butt. 

Your going to keep your abs tight as you come up lifting your shoulders off the ground. Inhale as you come up and exhale as you go back down. Keep your abs tight the whole time. 
Leg Raises: Start flat on your back with your hands under your butt. Keep your abs tight and toes pointed.
Raise your legs so they are parallel with your shoulders, hold for 3 sec then lower them back down to the floor. Make sure you keep your abs tight through the whole exercise.
Side Plank: Balance your hips off the floor by placing your R or L hand palm down directly under your shoulder and balancing weight on your toes. Extend your other hand up reaching as far as you can keeping a straight line from fingers to fingers. Make sure you keep your hips forward and your abs tight.

Plank: Start on your elbows and toes keeping your back straight and butt low. If your back starts to hurt it means you need to tighten your abs.

If you have any questions please email me at 
Remember you can do anything you put your mind to. Have fun with the challenges and don't make it feel like a burden! Over time you will get better at each excerises as long as you give it your best each day! 


Thursday, April 3, 2014

27/30 Guns, Buns and Ab Challenge

Ok honesty moment here. I have not done my challenge for 7 whole days...BUT I have got my exercise in other ways. I've been jogging, running, walking, went to Zumba and yardwork. My results this month are living proof that you don't have to be perfect you just have to keep moving!

So even though I am 7 days behind I'm going to pick it back up and finish strong! So here we go with day 27!Ready to feel the BURN!!!

Don't forget to get some cardio in as well! Have fun I know I will!


Monthly Shop Talk

Here we are at another month. Its crazy how fast time fly's when your working hard! I have been so excited for today's weigh-in so lets see if all my hard work is paying off! (I'm posting this a day early because I will be out of town for the weekend.)
WOW!!! I did not expect to see results like this. For this month that's a total of 10 lbs. and 14" gone and NEVER coming back! I  Exceeded last months loss by 5 lbs. and 3 1/2". 
In total I have lost 31 lbs. and 24 1/2".  I feel fantastic and I'm excited for the future! I am already seeing results in many ways. I feel healthier and happier, I'm looking thinner and I have gone from a size 24 jeans to a 20! I'm Stronger, Happier and overcoming weight loss and it feels FANTASTIC! 

I guess it's time to go shopping! 
 Keep up the good work everyone! Make changes that you can maintain throughout a busy work schedule or between running errands. Don't stress out about losing weight, make it something you look forward to. 

And a special shout out to my mom and dad, my friends and my amazing boyfriend for helping me look forward to working out, being there for me and supporting me 100% in this chapter of my life. I couldn't do it without your support! 

Have a wonderful day everyone and don't forget to make healthy choices and to get some cardio in today! 
Until next time. 
