This month has been a bit difficult in staying motivated. Actually if I'm being completely honest I have lost my motivation. Now I'm still working out and eating semi healthy but I have hit a wall.
I'm tired of watching every things I eat, and making sure I got my cardio and muscle exercises in. Even though I enjoy working out i'm stuck
Over the past week I have seen other peoples weight loss accomplishments and each one says they are proud they stuck with it. I see quotes that say " A year from NOW you will be happy your started."
I am happy I started and I am grateful for all the support my friends and family have given me. I know that I need to keep going and do my best so that when this wall passes I am not farther behind. We all know that weight loss is a life style change that wont happen over night and at some point we feel like throwing in the towel... but what important is that we don't.
Here are some tips for making if over life's walls.
- Keep Moving Forward: Every little thing counts. If your not doing anything your not progressing. Everyday you do at least 1 thing right. Keep moving forward and make the next day a little bit better that the day before.
- Take a day: Sometimes we need a day to just cry, let ourselves go, or scream and that okay. We are humans, humans that have emotions. Sometimes we just need to take a day off and regain our strength. Just don't allow yourself to have more than 1 day off.
- Pray: Weight loss is hard. It challenges and pushes every part of our bodies and emotions, it consumes our energy. I know there is a higher power playing a hand in my weight loss. After a long hard day at work the last thing I want to do is work out, especially when I have a big long list of things I still need to do. Just thinking about it make my energy level go way down. But when I pray for help I feel like I can do it and I enjoy it. Heavenly Father loves us and wants whats best for us and when we ask him for his help to achieve it he will be there.
- Understand that you are not alone: Everyone who has lost weight knows what you are going through. They have been there already, maybe even 5 or 6 times. Talk with them, read their stories and see what helped motivate them to keep moving.
- Use your support system: Who ever is in your support circle will be more than willing to keep you going. Sometimes they can be overwhelming but you'll be great full that they pushed you to keep going. Talk to them, listen to them. Your loved ones want you to succeed and they want to help you in anyway they can. Sometimes having someone listen to you is all you need to get motivated again. You cant lose weight on your own so the sooner you turn to your support circle the sooner you'll see better results and stay motivated.
- Don't allow negative thoughts to linger: as soon as you have a negative thought replace it with a two positive thoughts. The quickest way to stop your progress is to over power your success with negative energy and thoughts. We believe what we thing about our self's especially when we are repeatedly thinking it or say it

Some day are better than others, yes but as long as we keep moving day by day we are progressing. Don't give up!!! YOU AND I CAN DO THIS!!!
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