Wednesday, April 9, 2014

24 Day Ab Challenge

For this next challenge I want to target my lower gut and my back!

Planks are the best muscle exercise for targeting your lower belly or the "pooch belly" as we call it. When doing a blank your working your Rectus and Transversus Abdominis (these muscles when toned give you the six-pack look.)  and External and Internal Obliques (these muscles when toned help give you the hour glass figure.)

Leg Raises is an ab isolation workout. It specifically targets your lower abs again working the "pooch belly" Leg Raises are also going to work your hips, thighs and glutes.

Crunches work the rectus abdominus, which is the most prominent of abdominal muscles. Working your upper and lower abs also they work the transverse abs which is your torso. Crunches will help tighten the extra fat around your stomach.

* NOTE: Just doing muscle exercises will not get rid of your body fat and make you lose weight. Muscle exercises only help tone the extra fat and skin. You need to do cardio in order lose weight and you need to do muscle exercises in order to tone your extra fat and skin. Both cardio and muscle exercises go hand in hand when trying to lose weight!

Alright Lets Begin!

This is our Challenge Calender for the next days just in case I don't get to posting a day or for those of you who are just starting the challenge! Lets kick this challenge in the butt
Crunch: Start Flat on your back  with your knees bent. You can put your hands either under your head to help support your neck or under your butt. 

Your going to keep your abs tight as you come up lifting your shoulders off the ground. Inhale as you come up and exhale as you go back down. Keep your abs tight the whole time. 
Leg Raises: Start flat on your back with your hands under your butt. Keep your abs tight and toes pointed.
Raise your legs so they are parallel with your shoulders, hold for 3 sec then lower them back down to the floor. Make sure you keep your abs tight through the whole exercise.
Side Plank: Balance your hips off the floor by placing your R or L hand palm down directly under your shoulder and balancing weight on your toes. Extend your other hand up reaching as far as you can keeping a straight line from fingers to fingers. Make sure you keep your hips forward and your abs tight.

Plank: Start on your elbows and toes keeping your back straight and butt low. If your back starts to hurt it means you need to tighten your abs.

If you have any questions please email me at 
Remember you can do anything you put your mind to. Have fun with the challenges and don't make it feel like a burden! Over time you will get better at each excerises as long as you give it your best each day! 


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