You cant get rid of the cravings they will always be there. Instead of getting rid of them we need to learn how to deal with them the RIGHT way. So here are some tips that will help you overcome overindulging in your food cravings
- Don't completely cut something out of your diet. Your not on a diet your on a life style change. If you have put something into your body such as sugars and fats from day one your body is going to go into shock when you all of a sudden stop giving it sugars or fats.
FATS: Fatty foods such as burgers, pizza, french fries, etc. give your body energy, insulates your body and protects vital organs. They also start the chemical reaction to help control growth, immune functions and reproduction. ( But if you overindulge in fats your raising your cholesterol and increasing your risk of heart disease because your body cant burn off the fat as fast your your putting it on. Think about it fats help protect vital organs meaning your vital organs are surrounded by fat. If you consuming more fatty foods than your body can store and burn off your surrounding your heart, liver. lungs. kidneys with fat and that fat is just going to keep building up to where your organ start to shut down and stop functioning correctly.
*NOTE: Healthier fats are found in meat, poultry, in dairy products like cream and butter, or plant foods like coconut and palm oil.
Stick to serving sizes. 1 serving a day not 3 or 10 and soon your body will adjust to the point where you don't need it every day or you don't need as much each day.
2. Get up and GO! Board eating is very common and sneaky. Those who board eat sometimes don't realize that they are doing it. I know I didn't always notice when I was board eating. If you find your self hungry and you haven't engaged your mind in the last 15 min your body is telling you to it needs energy and activity. Often our bodies source of energy is food but our bodies also get energy from exercise. take a walk around the block or go for a jog before reaching for food because more often than not your body really just wanted you to get active.
3. Eat Regularly. Don't let yourself get hungry. When we get hungry we grab the fastest things to eat, and they tend to be empty calorie, high fatty foods. Pick food that will keep you full longer such as whole grains, proteins, and produce. Give your body helpful energy!
Remember that each day is a new day. Just be a little bit better today then you were yesterday. As you work on what you put in your body you will notice that you don't crave high fatty or sweet foods because your giving your body what it needs in the amount it needs.
These changes are not going to happen over night and they wont always be easy. You may find your self getting tired of constantly watching what you eat. BUT DON'T GIVE UP!!! It will get easier to the point that you wont even have to watch it because it will become habit.
Keep up the good work, and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
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