Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Stronger Today Than You Were Yesterday

When making life style changes everybody who has ever done it at some point or another feels like giving up, throwing in the towel and walking away. At first glance losing weight is simple, you exercise and eat right...that's all there is to it. But it's so much harder than watching what you eat and finding time to get a quick workout in because you're changing EVERYTHING by losing weight.
I have my Shop Talk coming up here in a few days and I know that my results will be small if any. This past month I have felt like throwing in the towel,  in fact I caught myself thinking "you've come a long way and have seen good results....this is a perfect place to stop." I've been more self critical than I have ever been because I'm not used to seeing my body with any shape other than round. 
I let my food cravings win.  Sometimes I wouldn't even put up a fight about it. I would always down play the seriousness of the food I was putting into my body and before I knew it April's coming to an end and I haven't pushed myself as much as I had wished I would have. I would tell myself I'm fine with what I am doing because I'm still seeing results...smaller results but they are there.
I lost my motivation this month. I wish there was some good excuse or reasoning behind it but there's not. Life is going to be challenging at different times and I'm proud of the fact that I still saw the small results and still worked on my goals instead of throwing in the the towel because now I don't have to re-lose the weight.
So how do we re-gain our motivation and get back on track? I tried looking at each day as a new day but that didn't really work. So what else can we do to get our motivation back?
1. Wait it out BUT DON'T GIVE UP. Yes you may not have given it your best that day or you may have eaten a Big Mac, but that doesn't mean all your progress is gone. I say wait it out because you're not going to bet it back until you're ready; until you're ready to accept the consequences and the results of your slump and accept them in a mature way. You may gain back everything you lost, or you may stay the same and see no results,  and some of us will see results and think I don't need to change. When you're ready to accept your results and consequences maturely, you will want to change and keep going. Your desire will come back and you be able to stand back up and go again.
2. Rely on the people around you. Some days the only reason I worked out was because I had commitments with friends to do Zumba or to go running. We need to  have people and support that we can rely on because that may be the only thing going for us as we wait to get out of this slump. If you feel you don't have any support around, send me an email--- I would love to be in your support group! (
3. Don't give up!  I know this is hard, but you will over come this. You will be more upset with yourself if you give up now. No matter what happens take it on the shoulder and stand tall. You will be proud you did!!!
Remember that no matter what, you are a strong person that can do hard things. You're stronger today than you were yesterday and you will be even stronger at the end of the month than you were at the beginning, even if you didn't see the results you wanted. Each day is a new day. Don't give up and remember this slump will pass.

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