Thursday, April 3, 2014

Monthly Shop Talk

Here we are at another month. Its crazy how fast time fly's when your working hard! I have been so excited for today's weigh-in so lets see if all my hard work is paying off! (I'm posting this a day early because I will be out of town for the weekend.)
WOW!!! I did not expect to see results like this. For this month that's a total of 10 lbs. and 14" gone and NEVER coming back! I  Exceeded last months loss by 5 lbs. and 3 1/2". 
In total I have lost 31 lbs. and 24 1/2".  I feel fantastic and I'm excited for the future! I am already seeing results in many ways. I feel healthier and happier, I'm looking thinner and I have gone from a size 24 jeans to a 20! I'm Stronger, Happier and overcoming weight loss and it feels FANTASTIC! 

I guess it's time to go shopping! 
 Keep up the good work everyone! Make changes that you can maintain throughout a busy work schedule or between running errands. Don't stress out about losing weight, make it something you look forward to. 

And a special shout out to my mom and dad, my friends and my amazing boyfriend for helping me look forward to working out, being there for me and supporting me 100% in this chapter of my life. I couldn't do it without your support! 

Have a wonderful day everyone and don't forget to make healthy choices and to get some cardio in today! 
Until next time. 


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