I was on Facebook the other day when I came across a post about bacon flavored cheese balls, that were bought to be a snack food and that he was so excited to eat them only to find out that they were disgusting! But he continued to eat them because they were there.
My mom did the very same thing. We had bought these delicious looking Fruit Roll (Cinnamon Rolls). They looked a lot better then they actually were and the next day instead of throwing the rest away my mom ate another one.
We have all done it. Sometime or another we have finished that bowl of Ice cream, the last of our french fries, cheese balls and fruit rolls when we know we shouldn't have.
So why do we continue to eat things that are not good for us and even taste bad? The answer is simple but hard to put into practice if you don't already do it.
The answer is THROW IT AWAY!!! If you don't like it don't eat it. If it's not healthy for you don't eat it, don't even buy it.
*TIP: Throw away all your junk food and don't buy it again. You can still eat those foods just don't be the one to buy them and bring them into your home. You will start to turn to healthy snacks and food and soon you wont crave that Twinkie every day after lunch, or a bag of Doritos.
There is a great quote by Lerato Mhlanga
"If you have chips in the pantry and ice cream in the freezer, you're making weight loss harder than it has to be.
Reduce temptation by purging the cupboards of fattening foods.
Want an occasional treat?
Make sure you have to leave the house to get it - preferably by walking."
I have herd so many reasons why not to throw away the food that is poisoning our bodies and defeating our weight loss goals. Things like
- Its a waste of my money.
- Its cheaper than this or that.
- Starving kids in Africa don't even have what we have
- A little wont hurt me.
These are all excuses that you need to let go of.
- Even though you may not have a lot of money you can find healthy food for cheap or the same price as your McDonald's meal!
- It's NEVER a waste if it's making you healthier. Your life is more important than a foods shelf life.
- There are a lot of people out in our world that are starving but you cant solve world hunger by eating Twinkies. Sorry but it doesn't work like that.
- You're right a little wont hurt, but by putting it in your body over and over again will hurt. Maybe not right away but over time your asking to battle diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and so much more.
It's okay to throw something away. STOP making excuses and just throw it away! Yes it means you have to take the time to find something else to eat but I promise you that you will feel much better about yourself. Throwing out the bad foods is a big accomplishment and something you should be very proud of your self for.
* TIP: Check out my snack bag (Grab it and GO post)
Respect your self enough to make healthier choices
and throw out the bad!
Until next time