Thursday, March 6, 2014

Chocolate Banana Breakfast Smoothie!

What a great way to boost your metabolism with this quick and easy Breakfast Smoothie Recipe
From start to finish it took me all of 5 min. Who knew being healthy could be so quick!

1 Banana
1 pkg of Breakfast Essentials (chocolate or vanilla)
1TPB plain yogurt (the more you add the creamier it will taste)
1 cup milk (you can use Almond, soy milk)

Directions in a blender, mix, serve and drink!

 MAGIC BULLET: if you don't have one I strongly recommend getting one! You can do so much with just this little blender! They are so easy to clean, quick and small. You can also use any blender you already have.

Enjoy, let me know how you like it!


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