Thursday, March 6, 2014

30 Day Guns, Buns and Ab Challenge

Alright its time for our first challenge! 

I'm excited to get started! and there's no better time than the present! over the next 30 days we will be working our arms, buns and abs! LETS GET SKINNY!!!

30 Day Guns, Buns and Ab challenge calendar. Don't get discouraged or overwhelmed we are going to be working up to 30 days.

You can break these up into sets if you need to. No matter what make sure you keep good posture and form.
 Alright lets begin!

SQUATS: Make sure you keep your back straight and Ab's tight. When you go to squat down act like your going to sit in a chair.

PUSHUPS: Again keep your back straight and Ab's tight. Bring your chest to the floor and come back up.  Do the best you can, you will get better!

I'm not the  best at pushups but as we go through this 30 day challenge you will progress and get better. Just goes as far as you can!  DON'T GIVE UP! 

Leg Lifts: Keep Ab's tight and point your toes. For more support on your back place your hands on your lower back. Raise your legs about  2 inch off the floor (this will be your home position) from there raise another 2 inches, then back to home. Don't let your heels touch the ground.
Home position
Hold this position for a few seconds then lower back to the home position. 

Good job Day 1 is complete! Your on the road to a whole new you! Don't forget to get some cardio in as well! 



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