Monday, March 10, 2014

5/30 Guns, Buns and Ab Challenge

Who did their challenge today? Good job to those who got up and accomplished today's challenge and for those who haven't done it yet its not to late! So get up, stop reading this post and start your SPAZout!
My mom joined on the challenge today! I am so proud of her for just jumping in on day 5. So for those that feel its to late to start DON'T! Its never to late to start getting healthy weather you've been doing the challenge with us from day 1 or your just jumping in now!

Getting fit can be fun when you SPAZout!

Don't forget to get some cardio in as well. It can be anything from walking up and down the stairs, pushing a cart around the grocery store, or going for a jog. Just get 30min!


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